Inspiration for my poems and stories come from a variety of places. Sometimes it is a comment heard or read, or I may hear a song that calms or stirs my emotions. Many of the ideas come from looking at a picture or viewing a piece of art. There are few moments that go by through may day when I don't imagine how something I see or hear might be inspirational enough to be a poem or a story.
Today was no exception. I woke up late this morning, my wife had already left for work, and seconds after I opened my eyes I thought about how much I would miss her if she never came home again. I know that is a thought that happens often to many people around the world, but somehow it felt that I was the only person thinking it at that moment in time. This led me to imagine what we might do and where we would go if we won the lottery. An odd way of thinking, first I miss her then I think about what I would do if I was still with her and we had unlimited funds. Lucky for me my wife is healthy and will make it home safely tonight as she always does. As far as the lottery goes, I have yet to hit the jackpot, but one can dream! So, the day went on and I had a few other thoughts of what to write about. It was just about three o'clock when I was reading some of my Facebook friends posts, and there it was. A woman named Kathy (I won't tell you her last name for her privacy) wrote a post and I noticed that she changed her icon. Immediately I sent her a message asking if she knew who the artist was who painted the piece she had used as her icon. Soon, with help of another person who read my question on her post, and Kathy herself, I had my answer. The artist and I are not followers of the same religion, but it is clear that he, an artist using paint, and I, an artist with the written word, do share a similar love of country and of God. We both use our talents to praise God and to emphasize our political beliefs as well. He and I equally share in the opinion that we are shackled with the chains of oppression, but among us are those who have the keys to rise and shed the chains for us all. We can wallow in the misery or together rise to our feet and demand our rights and freedoms be returned to us and our posterity. Both of us have people who love what we have to offer, but we also have those who choose to disagree with us in not so uncertain terms. We welcome the compliments of many and even though we disagree with them, we respect the freedom of those who choose to argue with our opinions and beliefs. This is America, the land of the free and the brave, and the talented. My evaluation of Jon McNaughton's website and his comments on his Facebook page were all I had to determine who this man is. As I allowed my eyes to wander from one beautiful piece of artwork to the next and by reading his comments, I determined that we are the same in so many ways which brought me to write this entry. Please take a moment to visit Jon's website. Look at the work he is doing. He is a very talented and spiritual man who, through his art, tells a story that is touching and powerful.
1 Comment
7/26/2012 03:36:33 pm
Thank you for the kind words. I see we are on the same page in terms of the need of patriotism and God. You are right in that my art is a reflection of who I am as your writing is of you. My Mormon faith has increased my love of Jesus Christ as I'm sure your's has done the same. I believe that God is gathering all together who value virtue and freedom to take a stand in this great effort to awaken the American people. God bless you S. Hunter Smith.
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